Herping Trip for some of Onatrio's Reptiles (Part 1/2)

This was a weekend for reptiles. On Friday march 14th Sterling and I went out to an area within the Niagara region in hopes of finding some elusive reptiles. When we got to the parking spot we quickly threw on our waders, got out our camera gear and started walking with our heads held high in great hopes of what we would see. Although I cannot tell you where we were hiking, I can tell you that it is very tough and tiring terrain to walk through in waders! So, after a good long walk to the site and another half hour or so of looking in water bodies we were starting to feel anxious that we may not find any herps, let alone our main hope/target for the day. Thankfully just then I heard a slither and our spirits were instantly lifted! Although it wasn't a target species of the day it was still my first of the year and it was great to see a reptile none the less. This beautiful creature was an Eastern Gartersnake. A dashing one at that. Eastern Garter Snake - Niagara Region ...