Six New Herp Species for 2017 (Part 2/2)

This is long overdue, and I apologize for that. There are a lot of upcoming blog posts that I will make sure I publish. As for the second part of my April 21st to 23rd weekend, four of the following herp species were new species encounters for the year. The morning of April 23rd was sunny, warm and the forecast for our destinations in Eastern Ontario was welcoming in the same way. First stop was at a creek in search for Ontario's Northern Two-lined Salamander. The water levels in the creek were extremely high as we had been having large amounts of rain. Unfortunately, this made our search a hundred times harder. Almost all of the rocks and cover to flip by the stream side were not available as the bank was non existent. But we flipped what we could. With doubt in our heads we half heartedly flipped some rocks and Taylor managed to find the only Northern Two-lined Salamander that we would see that day. Northern Two-lined Salamander Northern Two-lined Salamander ...